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pocket chakra stones.

pocket chakra stones.


chakra set, for opening, balancing and aligning the seven chakras.


chakra, meaning the wheel in sankrit language, and refers to the spinning disks or center points of energy and light in our bodies. maintaining the flow and keeping our chakras free of blockages is essential to our well-being. this pocket chakra stones is a reminder to listen and tune into what your body and spirit is telling you. it serves as a tool to grow with the flow, keep balance and embody the love, light + power within you. carry these pocket stones with you everywhere you go, and even include some of your other crystals in the mix.


💜 crown chakra (top of head): consciousness + spirituality

💙 third-eye chakra (center between eyebrows): awareness + intuition

🩵 throat chakra (center of neck): communication + personal truth

💚 heart chakra (center of chest): love + healing

💛 solar plexus chakra (center above umbilicus): personal power + confidence

🧡 sacral chakra (center below umbilicus): motivation, self-expression + creativity

❤️ root/base chakra (base of spine, tailbone): the foundation



seven crystals focusing on each of the seven chakras and a cotton reusable peace of mine. crystals pouch. note: crystals are one-of-a-kind and will vary in color, shape and size.



.5"-1" crystals; 3" x 3.5" peace of mine. crystal pouch

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